At Last!

       It’s raining outside, and my coffee sits hot beside me just perfectly. I guess it is about time that I start writing a post on this space I created months ago.

       So! What have I been up to for weeks? Projects, lots of it =). With me, ending up wishing I had more hands.
       This headband was quite done in a rush, for my niece, Fiona. I was crocheting along with the contour of plastic headband I bought, not knowing how to end it! It was done in a circular pattern, and somehow I managed its end after x tries of decreasing dc’s, yay!
      With Fiona, being fond of pink flowers, I tried my best-est to create a beaded crochet rose to put on the headband.  As an afterthought, it would have been easier if I looked up a rose pattern on the net. But after an hour, my project looked just fine! It was ambitious on my part, as I was not used to crochet without a pattern in hand.
      And did Fiona like it? Yes, she did!
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