For quite a while I have been searching for 3D beaded flipflop pattern. When I couldn't find one online, I decided to make my own using right-angle beading.
It was difficult, considering the fact that I am new to the craft. Using 4mm bi-cones and right-angle beading, I had to draw a diagram with each bead I put into it. The first one I made was a square-shaped flipflop, and I didn't like it all. I ended up, doing it again trying to make it more "shapely".
Here's my bi-cone flipflop, barely 2 inches long. This is made up of two soles joined together using seedbeads in still in right angle.
I realized the with slight alteration to the diagram I made, seed beads and round beads can also be used for this.
Below are pictures of me starting out on a new sole, and soles waiting for their to be "sewn" over their "pairs"(errr, am not so familiar with beading terminologies).
Presently, I am still figuring out how to draw the pattern (not by hand) I made so I can freely share it with you.
Have a happy weekend!
Have you wondered why I have been posting in large font size? Eye care, bigger font, less eyestrain. =)